Tag Archives: Nepal

Nepal Earthquake – One Year On

Just over a year ago the Nepalese people suffered immensely when the Nepal Earthquake hit the country killing 8000 people and making 3.5 million homeless. In every measure this was a huge tragedy that affected all walks of life. Last month the Kent Messenger wrote an article on the continued supported that Nepal has received from the people of Kent, specifically those in Folkestone. We are proud to say we have helped in a small way. We provided storage for emergency supplies at our store before they were shipped out to Nepal.

Immediately after the earthquake the Rotary Club of Folkestone began fundraising and gathering donations to help the Nepal Earthquake victims. We were able to donate storage space to allow the Rotary Club to gather the essential supplies before they were transported to Khathmandu Airport and beyond to the disaster zones. Others from Kent and Shepway have donated clothing and goods, the Rotary Club has raised more than £15 000 so far. A big thank you to all who have helped and donated their time, money or goods.

Whilst the initial emergency has passed the people of Nepal still have a great need for help and the Rotary Club continues to conduct fundraisers. Essential supplies such as food, shelter and medical supplies are still required as floods and landslides continue to displace people from their homes.

Nepal EarthquakeIt is easy to donate. Send a cash or a cheque made payable to ‘Help for Nepal Earthquake Disaster Relief Appeal’ to Independent Church Services, Church House, 136 Sandgate Road, Folkestone. Alternatively, an electronic bank transfer can be made directly to the Rotary Club of Folkestone using the reference ‘Nepal’. Their back details are Lloyds TSB, Folkestone Rotary Club, Sort Code 30-93-34 and Account Number 00575212.

Thank you to all have donated, your support has and will continue to make a big difference to the people of Nepal. They have lost lives, families and homes and need all the help we can provide.

Read more about the Nepalese disaster from the Kent Messenger here –http://www.kentonline.co.uk/search/?q=nepal