Tag Archives: Ice Bucket Challenge

Our MND Ice Bucket Challenge!

Colin Batt Removals Ice Bucket Challenge 

Along with the rest of the UK and maybe the world, many of us here at Colin Batt Removals have been getting involved in the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise money for MND – check out our video here!

Thanks to the members of the removals team who took part and withstood the freezing challenge. All parts of the business took part, removal porters, estimators, office staff and even the managers! We appreciate their support and help with this very worthy charity.

The Motor Neurone Disease Association has challenged us all to throw a bucket of iced water over ourselves in order to raise money to combat a debilitating disease. The campaign has gone viral with each participant earning the honour to challenge three more people who have to complete the challenge within 24 hours. You can turn down the challenge by donating to the charity or just be generous and do both!

The campaign has been a huge success, having raised millions of pounds to help find a cure for this debilitating disease. MND is a progressive disease that attacks the nerves in the brain, motor neurones, causing muscle wasting. This effects everything from grip to breathing, standing to speaking.

Presently there is no cure which is why the funds raised by the MNDA are so important. There research is helping to deliver a better understanding of the disease and we hope will eventually provide a cure.

To find out more about this campaign and the great work MNDA do click here:
